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Land Transport
Land Transport transportation land It is the movement of people and goods on land, and the means by which that movement is carried out. The growing need of people to move in large numbers and transport large quantities of goods on land comfortably, safely and in a short time in the present era requires the presence of effective and fast means of transport and suitable roads for the movement of these means. The means of land transportation are many and varied, starting from carrying things, walking them, dragging them, or loading them on animals, and ending with the use of vehicles and self-propelled mechanical machines that are powered by various types of energy, in addition to roads and transportation lines suitable for their movement.
A historical overview
Man began his life on Earth moving, seeking food and searching for a safe place to live. He found something to help him in the forces of nature, so at first he carried his things on his back, head, or shoulder, or pulled them with the help of tree branches or a wooden trunk that he dragged along the ground. Then he used animals to ride, carry or drag. With the emergence of the first human gatherings and the exchange of the surplus of what one group owned with other things owned by another group, the first signs of trade began, and it was the reason for the emergence of civilizations and methods of transportation.
A long time has passed since man did not know any technology other than the sled and the slingshot. The sled consisted of two wooden logs connected to crossbars on which the loads were tied, and they were dragged with their ends resting on the ground. Since the sled had many defects; It was improved by inventing the wheel and using the horse. The surface of the sled became flat, its conditions of contact with the ground improved, and it was transformed into a carriage[t]. This invention originated in Mesopotamia at the hands of the Sumerians around 3500 BC. The oldest witness to it is an inscription on a piece from the city of Uruk (Al-Warqa) Uruk (Erech) It represents a sled made of wood topped with a box-like structure with a triangular roof and carried on four solid wheels. It was also found in the royal tombs from the city of Ur Ur On an engraving of a royal coffin on four solid wheels pulled by three bulls, dating back to the early third millennium BC. It is not surprising that this amazing innovation took place in this ancient civilized region, as farmers were supplying city dwellers with their surplus products, and they needed means to transport them. However, this type of transportation was not suitable for most purposes, perhaps because the roads available at that time were not suitable for the movement of wheeled vehicles.
A thousand years after that date, another type of chariot appeared, which was the light military chariot that moved with spoked wheels spoked wheel< /span> , and pulled by a domesticated animal that man had never known